Hells Gate Airtram

Hells Gate Airtram

The Hells Gate Airtram file is by far the most comprehensive and involved investigation we have come in contact with thus far.

What makes this study so unique is over 200 years of history.  Not just British Columbia history but the nature of the historic events that have been chronicled on or around the site.

Betrayal, murder, accidental deaths, disease, and death by natural causes make this investigation exhausting yet time well spent.  Every visit to the site by the BCGHRS investigative group adds yet another intriguing chapter.

Information compiled by BCGHRS investigators, Hells Gate Airtram staff on site, along with actual testimony from customers who visit the attraction formulates a picture of death and despair.

We have found the locations where activity has occurred to be quite diverse as the 2 pieces of property are separated by the Fraser River and both are on different mountain ranges making this file truly unique.

UPDATE March 24, 2012 – click here

This variety of photos shows BCGHRS members in action.  It is worth noting that all site visits thus far have been between the hours of 8:00 pm and 2:00 am with most activity culminating after the BCGHRS staff had been there for several hours.

On the Airtram down to the site. hg1

Dining room where the "smoking man" has been seen. hg2


The gang after another night of odd events, sounds, smells and sights.

Hells Gate Airtram has produced a brochure on the findings.  You can check it out here:http://www.hellsgateairtram.com/pdf/ghostbrochure.pdf

If you are interested in learning more about the goings on at the attraction or would like to be kept in the loop as to when the BCGHRS will be doing another site visit contact Heather Anderson at bcghrs@psican.org or better yet, go check this place out for yourself because it’s a really cool place to visit!  www.hellsgateairtram.com

Dining room where the "smoking man" has been seen.

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