Option to Purchase Agreement Template

2. NOTIFICATION REQUIRED TO EXERCISE THE OPTION. To exercise the purchase option, the buyer/tenant must provide the seller/lessor with written notice of the buyer/tenant`s intention to purchase. In addition, a valid closing date must be indicated in the written notice. The balance sheet date shall be earlier than the initial expiry date of the lease or the date of expiry of the purchase option agreement referred to in paragraph 1, whichever is later. 3. VERIFICATION OF THE OPTION. In exchange for this Call Option Agreement, the Buyer/Tenant must pay the Seller/Landlord a non-refundable fee of $___ The seller/landlord will not reimburse the costs if the buyer/tenant defaults on the lease, does not complete the transfer or does not otherwise exercise the call option. EXERCISE OF OPTION: This call option may be exercised by Buyer at any time before midnight on May 20 by giving written notice to Seller at the following address: , , ______. All notices shall be deemed to have been delivered to Seller upon dispatch to the United States, acknowledgment of receipt requested and addressed to the above address. 1. DURATION OF THE OPTION. The purchase period option begins on ______ If the buyer/tenant fails to do so purchase option or lease, in addition to any other remedies available to the seller/owner under the law or equity, the seller/lessor may terminate this purchase option by written notice.

In case of termination, the buyer/tenant loses the right to reimbursement of the rent or consideration for the option. For this call option agreement to be enforceable and effective, the buyer/lessee must comply with all the terms of the lease. 8. EXCLUSION FROM FUNDING. The parties acknowledge that it is impossible to predict the availability of financing for the purchase of this property. Obtaining financing is not considered a condition of performance of this call option agreement. The parties further agree that this call option will not be entered into on the basis of the representations or warranties of either party. OPTION MONEY: Upon execution of this option, the buyer paid the amount of $ as “option money” to the seller. In the event that buyer exercises the option to purchase such property within the original option period or an extension thereof and is not in default with other terms of this Agreement, such option will apply to the purchase price at closing. FOR and taking into account the obligations and obligations contained herein and other good and valuable considerations, the preservation and relevance of which are hereby acknowledged, the Seller/Lessor hereby grants the Buyer/Tenant an exclusive option to purchase the aforementioned “Property”. The parties hereby agree that: 5.

EXCLUSIVITY OF THE OPTION. This Call Option Agreement is exclusive and insalible and exists exclusively for the benefit of the above parties. If the Buyer/Renter attempts to assign, transfer, delegate or transfer this purchase option without the express written consent of the Seller/Lessor, this attempt will be considered null and void. EXTENSION: Buyer has the right to extend the period within which this option may be exercised until midnight, 20 __, to pay Seller an additional amount of $in cash before the end of the initial option period, and to notify Seller in writing of Buyer`s choice to renew the option. If the sale is concluded within the extended option period, this amount applies to the purchase price. 16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION. This document sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes all prior discussions between the parties. No modification or addition to this option to the Purchase Agreement or any waiver of rights under this Call Option Agreement will be effective unless signed in writing by the party to be invoiced. CONSIDERING that the Seller/Lessor and the Buyer/Tenant have jointly concluded a previous rental agreement, the object of which is the aforementioned property (the “Rental Agreement”). BUYER`S DEFAULT: In the event of Buyer`s failure to exercise this option, or in the event of Buyer`s default after exercising this option, all amount paid by Buyer to Seller in connection with the performance of this Agreement or in the event of renewal will be retained by Seller as lump sum damages and in return for granting this Option to Buyer.

and all rights of Buyer under this Agreement expire. 4. PURCHASE PRICE. The total purchase price of the property is $____________________________aus_.