Define Conditional Sale in Business Law

From: conditional purchase contract in a dictionary of finance and banking » Conditional sales contracts are often concluded when financing machinery and equipment as well as various forms of real estate. A conditional sale is a real estate transaction in which the parties have set conditions. Other benefits of a buyer include access to an asset before full payment, which can lead to financial leverage for a business. Buyers with lower credit histories can also tap into loans that are otherwise unavailable using financing provided by the seller, which is especially effective for new businesses. The seller retains a security right to secure the buyer`s payment obligation. The security right reduces the risk of loss and gives the seller the right to seize the asset against non-payment in accordance with the terms of a conditional purchase agreement. A security right in the asset is also referred to as a lien, whether it is a lien in real property or tangible property. Conditional sale contracts are typical of real estate because of the phases of mortgage financing – from pre-approval to valuation to final loan. In these contracts, the buyer can usually take possession and use the property after both parties have signed and agreed on a closing date.

However, the seller usually keeps the deed on their behalf until the financing is completed and the full purchase price is paid. The Buyer and seller may request that conditions be included in the offer for a conditional contract. A conditional contract is legally binding if it is concluded on the basis of contractual requirements. The amount of instalment payments must be specified in the conditional purchase agreement. Each payment reduces the total amount of the purchase price. The purchase price includes the amount of any deposit plus the agreed remaining value of the property. The security right is held only in respect of any outstanding balance of the property. Since the buyer agrees to pay for the items as part of an instalment plan, the total purchase price also includes interest and financing costs.

Conditional contracts can be used to sell real estate, vehicles, equipment and other personal property. Some parties do not want to enter into conditional contracts because they involve possible risks and uncertainties and will only enter into them when absolutely necessary. Assignment of a conditional purchase agreement: The assignment of a conditional purchase agreement does not fall under the provisions of the Documentary Stamps Tax Act. For contractors, conditional purchase agreements offer all the benefits of owning items such as vehicles or machines without having to pay all the money upfront. If you have a mortgage (although the mortgages are slightly different) or if you have a car purchase contract with payments, you probably understand the basis of a conditional contract. David Weedmark, a published author and professional speaker, has been advising companies on technology, media and marketing for over 20 years. He has taught computer science at Algonquin College, founded three successful companies, and written hundreds of articles for newspapers, magazines and online publications such as, Re/Max and American Express. The buyer can take possession of the property once the contract is in force, but does not own the property until he has paid for it in full, which is usually done in installments. If the Company defaults on payment, the Seller will repossess the item. A conditional purchase agreement also protects the seller if the buyer defaults.

Since ownership passes to the buyer only after the conclusion of the conditions, the seller remains the rightful owner for the duration of the contract. This allows the seller to legally repossess or recover the property, as they do not have to initiate costly seizure proceedings against the buyer after a premature transfer of ownership. However, there are certain situations in which conditional agreements are insisted: Conditional purchase agreement On February 5, 2015, OC IHC 4 B.V. (a subsidiary of OCL) and OCI MENA B.V. (a subsidiary of OCI N.V.) an agreement on the conditional sale and purchase of the share capital of Construction Egypt. The acquisition of real estate through a conditional purchase agreement can allow a company to deduct interest expenses on its tax return. .