Of course, there are fees with formal product certification. We are confident that you will find Intertek`s fees overall much easier and cheaper than other programs. You can find detailed information about fees on our certification costs page. After the customer information sheet, you will receive a certification agreement in which you only agree to the terms of the ETL certification program. Intertek provides safety and performance certification services according to nationally recognized standards for a wide range of electrical, gas and petroleum products. These products range from commercial/consumer equipment to HVAC equipment to manufactured wood products. Items listed in our online directories bear one of the ETL Listed, ETL Verified, S, GS, ASTA, BEAB or Warnock Hersey Listed trademarks. This information listed in the directories is subject to the certification agreement between Intertek and its customer. Intertek`s liability is limited to the terms of the Agreement. Intertek shall not be liable to any party other than customer in accordance with the Agreement for any loss, expense or damage arising from the use of such information. The use of the Intertek name or its certification marks to sell or advertise the tested hardware, product or service must be previously approved in writing by Intertek. Initial plant assessments and follow-up services are intended to ensure appropriate use of the certification mark in accordance with the agreement, they are not used for production quality control and do not release the customer from his obligations in this regard.
At this point, you need to think about how you want to label your product – either they buy labels from Intertek or they attach the brand themselves. For more information about labels, see Certification costs. Timeline This step can be completed in just 1-3 days. Download ETL Listed US Mark Download ETL listed C Mark Download ETL listed CUS Mark Download GS Mark Download S Mark We need to collect additional information about your product Congratulations. They are half finished. Let`s move on to the inspections.. .
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