Agreement among or between

The bottom line is that you can talk between different individual elements that have a one-to-one relationship – even if there are more than two. This type of overcorrection is common when a writer wants to appear fanciful or educated, but there is another overcorrection that causes the chagrin of commentators of use: replacing the variant between or between. For example, bryan Garner in Garner`s Modern English Usage gives a perfect example of criticism of others, calling it an archaism that is “pretentious at best,” but our evidence does not support this view. Among is certainly less common than among, and it is used more in British English than in American English (“Among our weapons are elements as diverse as fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency..”). These two facts may be reason enough for an American speaker to notice. But we have a lot of not-so-curious and unpretentious American uses in our files: you can use between more than two objects if the same one-to-one relationship between different units is understood from the context. For example, the correct phrase is “between you and me” – never “between you and me” – this is something that confuses even native speakers! The use of the in-between in a contract is presumably intended to exclude such arguments. Three remarks: I was a little surprised when I realized that I had never written anything in this blog about what I can use between or between the parties to a contract, in the introductory clause, or elsewhere. Here`s what MSCD 2.46-48 has to say: The Oxford English Dictionary agrees: “We shouldn`t say.. a treaty between three powers.” Nor should we write that “the choice is between three candidates.” Replacing “between” with a more idiomatic “in-between” can lead to more clumsiness than it solves.

Yes, Thurber used the “good” here, as more than two people are being discussed. But this seems embarrassing, especially considering that among the means, the blur, and it is followed by the names of four different people who are considered equal by Thurber – even in a very square – denies the essential vagueness. Second, the provision I quote stems from a contract between only two parties, which precludes any possible debate between and between the parties. This kind of disruption is to be expected in a copy-and-paste world. a formal agreement, especially in economics or politics, between: By virtue can apply to any number; between applies only to two. —Frank Vizetelly, A Desk-Book of Errors in English, 1906, p. 14 The debate about the in-between is a little more complicated than the traditional rule would have you believe. In your lesson entitled “Difference Between Saying, Saying and Speaking” – Why not ENTRE instead of BETWEEN, since we are dealing with three names? Therefore, the rule covers most of the issues around these words, but it does not give a complete picture, and the difference between these words is not always so clear. bring, carry, fetch: Carefully distinguish these words.

– Frank Vizetelly, A Desk-Book of Errors in English, 1906, p. 40 Many lawyers cling to subordinate grammar rules that would dictate agreements between two parties and between three or more parties. Instead, think metaphorically: Does a multiparty agreement look more like “sand between the toes” or a “disagreement between friends”? That said, whether you use between or between doesn`t affect meaning or readability, so it wouldn`t be helpful to make it a problem. Use enter into your designs. If a traditionalist insists on this because there are more than two parties, it would be a painless concession to accept this change. If the other party presents you with a draft that uses, among other things, asking for it to be changed between the two would probably bother them. The agreement or support of a group, idea, plan, etc. Between the two is used for individual relationships between discrete things. This is not to say that between and between have exactly the same use or connotation. We use the in-between when we want to express a relationship with things and let them be considered individual and generally the same entities: between the devil and the deep blue sea; the restaurant between my home and my work; a treaty between nations. This connotation results from an earlier use of between the one that refers to a point between two places, or travel between two particular points. On the other hand, the best word to use is when it refers collectively and inaccurately to things: for this reason, among many others; no honor among thieves.

A written legal agreement between two individuals or companies that states what each must do for the other or give to the other by virtue is used for undefined or collective relationships between things. If you are interested in grammar, then you have probably heard the maxim between and between: use only between when referring to two things (“only between us”, “between a rock and a difficult place”, “you have to choose between cake or death” and use under if you are referring to more than two (“You are between friends”, “among the many options available to you”). But like many maxims about grammar and usage, this is not necessarily the case. I try to choose between the green shirt, the blue shirt and the black shirt. Do you want to start a fight between two corporate lawyers? Ask if there is an agreement between Tom, Dick and Harry – or between Tom, Dick and Harry. British an agreement that the information revealed at a meeting can be used, but not the identity of the participants or the organizations to which they belong It is generally believed that if one is talking about a contract between two parties, the correct preposition is in the case of a contract with more than two parties .. .